Well, I've had an interesting last couple days.
Yesterday we (my parents, my sister, and I) drove to Providence Rhode Island which took forever becasue of traffic, and a trip in which I had a little squee-fest in the middle of because Dad said we were passing Yale. Josh went to Yale. Squee!
So fast-forward to this morning, we went to the Red Bull Soapbox Derby, the second Red Bull event I've been to now (the first being the Flugtog in Baltimore last year). There were 57 cars that went down a twisty turny course in between Brown and RISD.
Most memorable:
a chehse wheel
a hamburger
the Blues Brothers
King Kong
the tooth fairy
an oversize penguin
HERE for more info on Red Bull stuffs because they are made of win and everyone shouls experience one in their lifetime.
After the show we went to a used book store where I found a book on the History of Nancy Drew. And being a sucker like I am and loving Nancy Drew as much as I did as an 8-year-old, I bought the book. It's pretty good so far, I've just gotten the basics that Caroline Keene was a pen name (which I knew), what I didn't know was that there were two writers who wrote the books.