*hums the JAG theme music*

Mar 30, 2008 21:39

The last day of Spring Break is boring. Today was full of not getting a lot done, I hate how I can never get anything done over the weekend. And since the whole week was like an extended weekend I got almost nothing done the whole time.

The only thing I've been able to get done is watching JAG and reading fanfiction. I have found a few decent JAG fics if anyone is interested. Today I finished season 2--finally. And I realized how much I LOVE Harriet. She's hilarious! Then again, I tend to think things are funny even when they aren't. I'm weird like that.

Got a haircut. I'm waiting until I have a picture of it that I'm happy with before posting, all the ones I have are turning out blurry. It's cut though, way shorter than before.

Currently I'm sitting here watching Law and Order because there is nothing else to do other than homework. And here I am procrastinating. I can ignore piles of homework forever, although I suppose that's not really anything to brag about. Blah.

life: procrastination, life: haircut, school: spring break, tv: jag

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