Nov 10, 2006 15:24
definitely not.
"The reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory."
President Woodrow Wilson, 1919
after just getting back from about 6 hours of ceremonies, i believe now more than ever that there is no other thing in this world i would rather be doing with my life.
there's absolutely nothing like it.
and as much as i hate singing the national anthem in public, i can't lie. it's a huge honor to be able to sing such a song in front of people who served through this country's toughest times, who tear up when you ask them even what branch they served in.
and for all of you wonderful people who walk right through the flag raising ceremony during the national anthem... yeah they served for you, too. you're welcome.
remember someone tomorrow, guys. give your grandpa a call. tell him that you're thinking of him. that may seem cheesy or whatever, but what he went through wasn't cheesy at all. and that was his life.
"We don't do what we do for a president or a congress. We do what we do for this country."
just fyi, in case you just didn't know this: if the national anthem is being played or the flag is being raised or lowered, you stop and you stand up. you live here.
happy birthday marines!