Aug 02, 2006 23:26
a "cool storm clouds due north!" text turned into a wicked awesome lightening storm. i do hope you got to see it. troy definitely needs to cut down some of the frickin trees that got in the way of the storm, however. i finally found a good spot in emerald lakes to watch it, but i was sitting in front of this house and i felt creepy so i drove away.
nice troy outro.
d.c. tomorrow! i'm terribly excited. nice alone time. in case i don't get enough of that anyways. but in a new place with new people. ... so not completely alone. though the tourism bit will be on my own. i'm a little nervous for the time spent at this family's house, since i only know the mom, and by 'know' i mean 'met once that i can remember and had a couple conversations with'. the daughter's an intern with a maryland senator so she's takin me on a tour in the senator building, whatever it's called. the dad works in the pentagon, so i get a tour with him as well. pretty awesome family to stay with, yes. not to mention the kid that's my age-ish. no, that's not why i'm going. though my mom did say earlier this year "you should go to d.c. and meet _______ (mitch? something with an m). he seems like a nice boy." i repeat: no, that's not why i'm going. i'm going to see the freakin awesome city. a guy i met on the ship goes to GWU and they do the running part of their physical readiness test around the reflecting pool. how amazing is that? how could you fail? you got abe lincoln either staring at your face or your butt the entire test. that would make me run faster. i personally couldn't look abraham lincoln in the eye and run slowly. "to hell with all you did for this country, i'm taking my time!"
early wake-up call tomorrow. see y'all next tues! and by 'see' i mean be within a 6 mile radius of most of you.