Title: Of Jedi and their padawans.
Fandom: Star Wars
Rating: (G)
Time Period: Between tPM & AotC: near the beginning of Padmé’s Senatorial stint, immediately after
Confront the disturbance you must.
Summary: A particular pair of Jedi witness the departure.
Author's Note: This is quick ‘n’ dirty (for definition see the
F. A. Q.).
This is a deleted scene from
Of Senators and disturbances. It didn’t fit in the
original story but I didn’t want to entirely delete it. So, here it is!
All characters contained herein are the intellectual property of Lucas; I am not affiliated with nor endorsed by him.
Tap-tap-tap. The older Jedi emerged, shadowed by a taller.
“I hope you know what you have done.,” the taller spoke quietly, lost within the deep shadows.
The smaller crinkled his nose. “Faith have I in Obi-Wan,” he finally replied, quietly. The door closed. “Deal with this disturbance he must.”
“If he does not return?”
The smaller sighed. “A new padawan someone will have.”
The taller Jedi smiled, his arms folded as he met the gaze of the older Jedi. “And what will you do with young Skywalker in the meantime?”
He could’ve sworn on the Force that he saw a twinkle in the smaller Jedi’s gaze. “Train him I will.”