Title: only in dreams
Fandom: Lord of the Rings (movies).
Rating: (PG)
Time Period: the Two Towers.
Summary: In his dreams, she still cannot cook.
Author's Note: This is quick ‘n’ dirty (for definition see the
F. A. Q.).
Gríma has returned. And boy, did I shrink from the original ending and gave it another instead.
As with
until the day, this is set during the Two Towers but before Gandalf and co. arrive. The reference to the curl comes from
His precious.
With the exception of original characters created purely for the purpose of the story, all characters contained herein are the intellectual property of JRR Tolkien, the Tolkien Estate and the Tolkien Trust & Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens (their interpretations); I am not affiliated with nor endorsed by them.
Her hand, so delicate and white, rests on his shoulder; he looks up with a smile as she slides a plate before him.
“Eat, my husband,” she coos in his ear. He breaks his bread, dipping one end in the stew before he tastes. His expression darkens; hers crinkles. “What is wrong, my lord?”
He drops the bread and opens ---
He shudders awake from his dream for that was all ’t’was. In dreams alone does she smile and curtsey, see to his needs and share all she must with her husband and lord.
Oh, in his dreams, he is her lord but, in his dreams, she still cannot cook.