It's a brand new day, the sun is high, the birds are singing that you're gonna die!

Apr 21, 2009 10:25

Hello LJ land, long time no see!
How have I been you might aak? Not too bad at all really! Jus the usual working insane amounts and not sleeping enough!
Yes I'm still working at Optus
Yes I'm still living in the blue mountains
Yes I still have a manfriend
And yes I'm still hungry!

RL news:
Should be moving at the end of my lease. Lease is up at the end of June, so I'm looking at places near the city (by near I mean about strathfield distance, strathfield was a nice distance...)
It's nice cause, now I have enough things to warrant a house :) all I need is a lounge set and a coffee table, and I have the complete contents of a home! (oh, an little niknaks...)
So, Pye said she'd come with me, Chrissy is staying in the mountains though...
I'll probably hire a removalist, since all my shit is large, and my driveway intimidates me :(
Which means I should be in m new place for my 20th birthday! Hooray! I guess if you can read this, you're invited? :p
Still got my Justin, things are alright. I have my episodes of annoyance and paranoia but I'm hoping he doesn't care too much about them :p

Online news:
As far as WoW goes, if got my 80 lock who is almost entirely epic'd out, and I've got a lvl 50 paladin on her way! Then I'll have one class for every roll! Dps/tank/heals!
Pye acidentally renewed her warhammer subscription and is now playing about on that, which makes me all nostalgic and wanting to do the same! Oh well :p

And I'll leave you with, a pic!

My mother dearest, looking awesome in Pye's hat at my brothers 21st!

via ljapp

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