ID ok

Feb 17, 2009 19:04

Customer unable to send MMS. Powercycled, sent settings and applied correct APN's in PROTON. Resolved.

.... Okay, so I Was in work mode, and instinct made me type "ID ok" in the subject box, so I just went with it >.>

and now, a MEME!

------------- 10 YEARS AGO -----------

1.) How old were you? I was nine!

2.) Where did you go to school? Mount Terry Primary School, so cool.

3) Where did you work? Wherever mum told me to D:

4) Where did you live? Albion Park, NSW.

5.) Where did you hang out? In primary school, me and the popular group (yeah, hard to believe I know) sat at the top of the tier steps, outside out classroom.

6.) Did you wear glasses? Nope

7.) Who was your best friend? I had three! Joseph Vickery, Amy Walker and Rhett... I don't remember Rhett's last name, but his first was cool! He made green food and brough it to school, we were all suitably impressed!

8.) How many tattoos did you have? Oh, just the usual barcode all the creations from lab 54 had.

9.) How many piercings did you have? My left ear! I was so cool!

10.) What car did you drive? Mum drove us around in a tarago! It was blue! :D

11.) Had you been to a real party? Hell yeah! Ashleigh's birthday was WICKED! There was a CLOWN!

12.) Had you had your heart broken? Joseph was a very attractive nine year old, but I don't think he broke my heart...

13. Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Single! :D

------------- 5 YEARS AGO -----------

1.) How old were you? 14

2.) Where did you go to school? Albion Park High School

3.) Where did you work? Still wherever mother told me to :P

4.) Where did you live? Still in Albion Park, just on a different street :)

5.) Where did you hang out? Our group sat under a tree outside the art block and beside the library... NERDZ! Our tree's name was Lexi (or gomez, depending on popular opinion)

6.) Did you wear glasses? Nope!

7.) Who was your best friend? Sadly? Probably Ethan Dobbie....

9.) How many tattoos did you have? None!

10.) How many piercings did you have? Two in my ear :D

11) What car did you drive? By now mum had scrapped the torago and went for a wagon of some sort...

12) Had your heart broken? By this point I think the only disappointment in the love category was that Joseph was so so hot, and I hadn't gotten him... D:<

13. Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Single

-------------------- TODAY --------------------

1.) How old are you? 19

2.) Where do you work? Optus, Mobile Tech Support :D

3.) Where do you live? Blue Mountains :)

4.) Do you wear glasses? Certainly do! They add character!

5.) Who are your best friends? I'd go with Pye and Chrissy, and probably Pat and Sonny, since they've been awesome to me. Georgie would make the list if I'd SEEN him lately!

6.) Do you talk to your old friends? One or two, but not many at all :$

7.) Do you have any more peircings than before? Yep! Tongue, and two in the eyebrow! The collection grows!

8.) How many tattoos? 6 pawprints up my right shoulderblade :)

9.) What kind of car do you have? As of yesterday, NONE!

10.) Has your heart been broken? It always mends :3  I'm an all or nothing guy, my heart breaks at LEAST once every few months :P
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