It's been a while since I last posted here, but that's hardly a surprise XD Some things you already know, but here's a quick rundown. My beloved doggie, Lily, was supposed to die within two months, according to the vet. She's still alive and doing very well, but, alas, my other doggie Rocky died :( Now I have another doggie named Harry. That, along with some truly hideous financial woes and stressful goings-on really destroyed my writing Muse.
I've been basically NOT writing for the last six months and feeling pretty sorry for myself. Eventually, the last few days, I wised up and realized that I will never be ready to write again. I just HAVE to do it, you know?
So, okay, I am copying Jen Jen by declaring my hidden writing LJ open for business :)
You guys can find me at: myrika_writes
Check out the details here: Some things to keep in mind:
1. It's likely that I won't really accept people who didn't know me from PH - it's nothing personal, just that I don't know them.
2. I won't be doing monthy cuts/quotas like we did over at PH, but I will be doing occasional cuts, if only to keep it a friendly and safe place for my writing. It's my regret that I could no longer post on FP and share my writing with many people as I used to :(
3. My Muse is BANANAS. I have no idea what it wants, so I can't be sure what I'll be writing in the future. I do know that I'll be writing some Winterhaven. Maybe some new YA stuff. Maybe some supernatural stuff. I've just realized that I like to write this and that, and if you're not down with that, no worries.
And that's all? XD