x-posted to bulletin and blog on the mysapce

Dec 27, 2006 14:21

In 2006...
[] stayed single
[x] got kissed
[x] kissed someone new(for tom's sake it was gabby at that one party, member, you were there, and was asked permission)
[x] made out in a car
[ what snow!?!?!] kissed in the snow
[x] kissed in the rain
[xagain] fell in love
[] fell in love with a fool
[] had my heart broken
[ ] broke someone else's heart
[x] lost a friend
[x] had a good relationship with someone
[ ] got married
[] had a divorce
[x] dated someone that I will never forget
[x] did something I regret
[ ] kissed under mistletoe
[x] got a promotion
[x] got a pay raise
[x ] changed jobs
[] lost my job
[x] quit my job
[ ] dated a co-worker
[ ] dated my boss
[ ] dated my boss's son/ daughter
[ ] got fired from my job
[ ] got straight A's
[ ] met a teacher who I became friends with
[ ] met a teacher who I really dislike
[ ] find the subject I love
[ ] failed a class
[ ] cut class
[ ] skipped school
[ ] got in a fight with a classmate
[x] did something I was proud of
[x] discovered a new talent
[ ] proved myself that I'm an idiot
[ ] embarrassed myself in front of the class
[ ] fell in love with a teacher
[ ] got the lead role in the school play
[ ] made a varsity team
[x] was involved in something that I will never forget
[x ] painted a picture
[ x] wrote a poem
[ ] ran a mile
[x] listened to music I couldnt stand
[x] double dipped
[ ] skinny dipped
[x] went to a sleepover
[x] went to camp
[ ] threw a suprise party
[ ] got a suprise party thrown for you
[xxx ] laughed till I cried
[ ] laughed till I peed my pants
[ ] flirted shamelessly
[ ] visited a foreign country
[ montreal!?] visited a foreign state
[ ] cooked a disastrous meal
[x] lost something important to me
[x] got a gift I love
[x] realized something new about myself
[x] tried to lose weight
[x] dyed my hair
[ ] came close to losing my life
[not so close but a few i knew] someone close to me died
[ ] got arrested
[x] read a great book
[x] saw a great movie
[ ] saw a movie so scary that it almost made me cry
[x] saw a favorite band live
[x] did something that I wanted to tell everyone
[x] experienced something new
[xx] made new friends
[xxx] found out who your real friends are
[x] lied to your parents
[ ] snuck out
[ ] got in trouble with police
[ ] kissed in a pool
[x] kissed under the stars
[x] had the time of your life
[x] danced
[ ] fell out of love
[ ] had a crush on someone
[ hot tub at maryias in february count?] swam in a pool
[ ] made a snowman
[ ] went snowboaring
[] went sledding
[x] slept in past 2pm
[x] held someones hand that you care about
[] told someone you like them as more than a friend
[x] gone on vacation
[x] gone on vacation with a friend
[x ] danced in the rain
[] seen someone get in a car accident
[ ] got in a fist fight
[x] laughed until you couldn't breathe
[x ] had an amazing year
[ ] sent someone to the hospital
[x] got a new pet
[x ] enjoyed this year overall

1. Have you had any relationships this year?
been in the same one all year...!

2. Have you had your birthday yet?
yjuly 18th

3. Seen Happy Feet yet?

5. Pulled an all nighter?

6. Drank Starbucks?

7. Went Camping?

8. Bought something(s)?
yeah lol

9. Met someone special?
yeah i think so... if ur in my life u are special for one reason or another

10. Been out of state?
texchnically no but tom and i want to montreal so we traveled through a few of candas "states"

11. Gone Snowboarding?

12. What are you thinking about?
how much shit i have to do today

Have you...

1.) Hugged someone?

4.) Loaned out money?

5.) Gotten in a car accident?
does getting hit by a car count?! lol

6.) Gone over your cell phone bill?

7.) Been called a whore?
i dont know prolly..like that night we got... nevermind...

8.) Done something you regret?

Last Person you hugged?
umm actually Randy from work.. he gave me a hug and thanked me for the christmas card i made him...ooooo wait.. my aunt came over last night and i hugged her as she left...so my aunt kim...

Last Person to call you?
!!tj cell

When was the last time you felt stupid?

Who was the last person you danced with?
tom or me or maybe kyle lol

Who did you last yell at?
i dont remember

What did you do today?
woke up, pissed, came in here, and made a list of what i have to do when im done with this survey

01. Hometown?

02. Natural hair color?

04. Hair style?
longer and wavyish i guess..

5. eye color?

06. Height:

07. Pets:
thunder and fuzz

08. Mood:

09. Where would you rather be?
umm montreal again would be nice..

10. Last thing you drank?
orange juice


01. Have you ever been in love:
yep and i am right now

02. Do you believe in love?
yeah i just said i was in love didnt i!? lol

03. Why did your LAST relationship fail?
ummm..remembering back.. hector.. um.. distance i think who knows... doesnt matter now, now that i am with soemone i love and loves me and that i am ultimately happy with

04. Have you ever been heartbroken:

05. Have you ever broken someone's heart:

06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend?

07. Have you ever loved someone but never told them?
dont think so

08. Are you afraid of commitment?

10. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships in your life?


01. Are you missing someone right now?
yes tom and other friends

02. Are you happy?
i think so

03. Are you eating anything?
no but i am hungry

04. Do you love someone right now?
yeah lots of people
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