Apr 04, 2005 07:18
I have a fucking bladder infection!! Just my luck. This is sooo shitty. Like my back and abdomen were hurting all weekend and I couldnt eat all weekend so I guess Ive had the infection and i didnt know, therfore I didnt take care of it. and it got worse. So, If it doesnt improve with my meds by tomrorrow i might have to be hospitalized. UGH that is fucking scary.. and I just got hired by Macys and I cant miss the first day . Omg , this is my luck. WTV. Im just stressed right now. Like really fucking stressed. At least I finally got a job. And theyre starting me at $7.50 so at least its a little more than minimum.Ive been talking to my family form argentina alot lately and I just want to go visit soo bad. All of my cousins have been asking me to go but becasue of school and work and money I dont think Ill be able to go anytime soon. If all goes well, after i turn 18, if im ok financially and done with school, Im going over there to live for a while. I'll try 6 mo. and If Im not homesick ill stay for the whole year. and plus my family over there is extremely wealthy and realllllly sweet. They all told me that I can live with them for free and that theyll help me out so hopefully that happens. And my cousins are all my age or older so its not like ill be all lonely over there. Theyre fucking party animals, and were really close to one another to itll be fun. Wow, Im just blabbering. Maybe because its 7 in the morning and I cant sleep due to backpain. Eh.