10 tunes prompt table

May 08, 2006 20:45

Gonna try the funess over at 10tunes. =) I'm excited, but gaaaah I hope I don't suck. o_O*

Author: mores0ul
Character/Pairing: Tom Riddle/Ginny Weasley
1. Sleeping to Dream by Jason Mraz
A Chance Meeting (part 1)
2. Tiny Vessels by Deathcab for Cutie
3. Delicate by Damien Rice
Queen of My Design
4. Gone by Esthero
On Light and Darkness
5. It’s Only a Paper Moon by Ella Fitzgerald
The Birthday Party
6. Diablo by Etro Anime
7. Pour me in by Ari Hest
A confession in the dark
8. She’ll hear you by Ben Jelen
In dreams
9. Glorybox by Portishead
10. Man on the side by John Mayer
Progress: 7/10

prompt table, 10tunes

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