I'm sorry I come across as a failure,
a CMI dude who happens to cross paths with your life.
I wish there's more that I could do,
but it always seems like
I'm just not enough.
Thank you, for staying by me through it all,
even when I was being sucha pain in the ass.
I'm sorry for putting you through hell,
when all I really wanted was for you to be happy.
I'll still try my best;
bring you places, anything you want at all.
Hoping through which we can slowly
piece bits of that beautiful smile back on your face,
right where it's supposed to be.
I know it's gna be exceptionally tough being the blockhead I am,
but nothing, and no one else's gna discourage me.
I'm bent on this one, just trust me a lil,
it's just about the most important thing to me now.