Echo's almost at 1,400 comments (...), so it's time for a relationship meme! Just give me your character's name and I'll figure out a ranking using the form below, maybe even give a sentence or two about it to be more in-depth. Remember, the higher the number the better (On a rating of 1 - 10) ♥
This applies not only to Echo, but to Sakuya, too~
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YOU CAN WAIT FOR YOURS because I want to make you wait lolol. :D
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Trusts: 1
Respects: 4
Gets Along With: 3
Finds Interesting: 3
Canon-wise, I'm referring a lot to that scene in retrace 12 nope not 37 at all actually! where Break is getting... Break-like with her and Vince. She can get along with Break better without Vincent looming over her shoulder, but it's uncomfortable and a little awkward for her.
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