Hello hello! It is now Tuesday! (It's Tuesday where I am, anyway). That means that the Gallifreyathon is now 'officially' over. It's not over, really, though, because we still have plenty of stuff to come. I just thought I'd update you as to the status of things.
The Masterlist is here.
Currently it features 6 fics and 2 fanart entries. I'll give all the links I've got so far to
who_daily now, so they'll go into tonight's edition.
Well done everyone!
Fics/art/podfic still outstanding
bagheera_san is writing for
atraphoenix and is running late. This fic should be posted in the next few days.
- Fics for
bardingtide and
alibi_factory are currently being written by pinchhitters. These fics could and should go up any time before the 24th of March. Hopefully sooner.
- There should be at least some bonus podfic being produced
- There may be some more bonus fic and/or art being produced
Since the fest has officially closed, please post everything you make directly to the comm (as you would anywhere else), rather than just as a comment to the masterlist (comment as well - it's useful).