As you may remember from
this post, we're putting all the un-used
morepolitics fic and art prompts up for general inspiration and claiming. Anyone can play at this point and you can do whatever you like with your pomrpts- if you write something as a result of any of these prompts it'd be nice if you linked it to this post or the
masterlist, but you don't need to. Please also feel free to write new prompts in the comments (although potentially there could be another round of this next year - if there was enough interest - so bear that in mind).
- I feel like the ending of Galifrey is pointedly reliant on the absence of the three major Renegades (in that the Rani is the /perfect/ person to deal with the virus, the Master is the perfect person to deal with the Matrix issues (and even potentially good with the scheming politics), and the Doctor is the perfect person to cut through the complicated mess everything turns into/is capable of delegating in a way Romana never is), and Galifrey being the sort of society they all felt they needed to run away from/got exiled from. I'd like a fic where the Renegades come into it after the end of S3, while the Gallifrey cast is still strongly important and NOT completely over-shadowed by the more glam renegades. I'd /love/ a Doctor/Master element, but it's not essential to my enjoyment of this fic.
- Something in which Brax IS president and Romana is there--how you get to that (improbable) point is between you and your god. I ship it, in a sad unrequited sort of way, but you don't have to! I think it'd potentially make things more interesting, though.
- Something hilarious in the period before Galifrey got SO DARK. I'd take Goosnake!Master slithering out of the Eye of Harmony to stir shit up, Leela's 'Time Lords Are Fucking Ridiculous' Matchmaking Service, Brax's lamely engineering an arranged marriage to Romana and being like OH WELL ROMANA, I GUESS WE HAVE TO, I MEAN THE CONTRACT SOMEONE WHO WAS NOT MY FUTURE SELF SCREWING WITH TIME LINES ON MY INSTRUCTIONS MADE IS AIR TIGHT! and learning about ridiculous Galifreyan marriage customs, Darkyl's Very Secret Evil Diary, or Things Happening to Narvin (/always/ good). Hell I'd take anything in this vein, provided it was Well Funny.
- Holiday fic: like “Spirit”, but preferably more light-hearted, and an ensemble fic. For some reason (perhaps to celebrate the fact that they’ve finally got rid of all their troubles, but you could set it earlier) the main - Romana, Leela, Brax, Narvin, K9 - cast goes on holiday together (could be just a day trip, or a weekend, or something longer). Or alternatively, they all end up stranded on a primitive planet/desert island for a week. I just want them away from their usual stressful lives, relaxing a little, awkwardly trying to have fun. Or desperately trying to get back to work. Extra bonus for the Braxiatel Collection being part of their trip somehow (double extra bonus for Benny Summerfield characters - awkward time with Benny and Romana, Leela and Adrian being BFF, K9 and Joseph commiserating...)
- Pretending to be married fic: for some reason, two of the main cast have to pretend to be married (perhaps off-world, while investigating Free Time, or while hiding from Pandora, or to spy on their enemies/allies, or some political circumstance forces them to do so). Can be as a shippy or unshippy as you want. Combinations I’d enjoy include: Brax/Romana, Romana/Leela, Romana/Narvin, Leela/Narvin, Brax/Narvin, Leela/Torvald for extra angst, Narvin/Torvald, Brax/K9, Leela/K9, Narvin/K9 - anything without Darkel is cool.
- Something set in the gap between S2 and S3. How did they set up their underground resistance? How did Narvin go from comatose to fugitive terrorist laying bombs in the artron forum? How did Leela and Romana reconcile? Even a fic about K9 pretending to be evil and loyal to Pandora would be cool. I would love it if there was a focus on them learning how to effectively be a resistance, and each of them bringing in what skills/experience they have and being both out of their depth and unexpectedly badass.
- What are the normal council sessions like, when Gallifrey isn't in crisis? Say, when they're voting on, I don't know, what color robes aren't allowed and who has to take the teapot of Rassilon to be cleaned?
- Medic/Surgeon-Master Elbon and Arkadian team up and have adventures! Could be shippy or not, I am happy either way.
- So we get a new series but for a long time we didn't. Romana, Leela, Brax, Narvin, and K9 were stuck together on the emptied Braxiatel Collection in a sort of timeless void. They faced the possibility that they would be trapped there forever, completely unable to interact with the universe, their lives going on endlessly. I'd love a nice semi-surreal take on that situation.
- Neeloc said he wanted to leave Gallifrey one day to travel, but we never hear anything else of him, and then it's the civil war (and of course the Time War). What does happen to him? No particular requests for genre here, so it can be horribly depressing or immensely cracktastic.
- Though not exactly to the extent of Femslash Vacation World episode, I'd like a fic where Brax and Narvin are stuck with each other in whatever island, abandoned planet, jail cell, etc, waiting for rescue to arrive. Bonus points for them actually working together and getting themselves out, if only for the pure reason that they just can't stand being around each other any longer. But would also enjoy Romana and Leela discovering them in opposite corners, staring moodily into walls.
- So what's it like for the piece of Pandora living inside Brax's head? What's it like? If they argue a lot with snarkables, I WOULD LOVE THIS.
- I don't think the series or fics have enough Brax and Leela cooperating for awesome. I haven't got much to add on this, but generally there should be Brax and Leela working together for intrinsically volatile epicness. I would like it to include Brax manipulating Leela maybe to do something she otherwise wouldn't approve of and have Leela punch him out or something, but it's not necessary.
- A crossover with Star Trek: Voyager. After more accidental time travel, Voyager ends up shunted off to Gryben. Janeway meets Romana. I'd imagine she'd be quite well-known to the Time Lords, even if she is several universes over. Janeway/Romana would be awesome, but I'd be just as happy with gen or any other pairings.
- The policeman in The Christmas Invasion is a chameleon-arched Narvin. He lives with his partner, chameleon-arched Romana. Tell me about their lives, how the events of episodes and/or Leela's arrival to retrieve them disrupt them. (Bonus points for actual, when aware of their true identities, Romana/Narvin.)
- I am absolutely of the belief that what the world REALLY needs is Narvin and Brax hanging out and having (supremely unslashy, and not even that friendly) Boys' Time. And bodyswapping! Can I steal the example prompt, if no-one has prompted it yet?
- Something introspective with Brax musing on Romana, how she has changed for better or worse and so on.
- More adventures of the would be baby Deca, Neeloc and his friends before things got super extra bad. Or after in "Everybody lives!" AU.
- Narvin and Leela. Having adventures, getting in and out of trouble, that sort of thing. It doesn’t have to be shippy, but I’d love to see some loyalty and affection underneath all that bickering.
- Romana/Leela: “A beautiful start to the end of the world.”
- The Doctor and Brax hanging out on Gallifrey-Gallifrey, not Theta/Koschei Gallifrey (this is my ficathon, and I say this is OK <-- I wonder whose prompt this was). Either really creepily changing history together during the Time War, like in Moffatt's fic, or genuinely enjoying each other's company at some point. Maybe Brax enlists the Doctor to help him with his presidency, maybe they just enjoy Earth things together, maybe the Doctor didn't hear that no Time Lords can come near Brax when he has head Pandora - whatever. This is what I want though, thanks.
- Something where everyone on Gallifrey has to tell the truth all the time! Due to some plot McGuffin. On noes.
- The real Pandora, way back in the day, had an alien bodyguard, a 'magnificent female.' Either a story about the two of them that reflects implicitly on Romana and Leela, or, even better, one that jumps back between Pandora-in-the-past and Romana-in-the-now, could be a really fascinating way of examining Romana and Leela's characters and their relationship, I think. Bonus points for the story of how Pandora's bodyguard betrayed her in the end, contrasted with a time when Leela chose not to betray Romana. Femmeslash (in either section or both) is perfectly welcome, but gen is wonderful too, your choice.
- Holiday / trapped on a uninhabited planet/party: a bit like “Spirit”, but as a light-hearted ensemble piece (Romana, Brax, Leela, Narvin, K9 and anyone else you feel like including, even Darkel). I want the Time Lords out of their depth and forced to awkwardly have fun, be it on the beach or with silly paper hats or drunk or eating cake (cake would be especially good) or having a camp-fire...
- A Brax/Romana shippy fanart. Candlelight dinner, surprise hypnosis, hurt-comfort, Brax showing Romana his collection, Tutor Brax and Romana I, anything as long as it is Brax/Romana. Can be unrequieted, if you can do this with art, but please nothing more explicit than a kiss or partial nudity, I can’t cope with Brax porn.
- Medic/Surgeon-Master Elbon and Arkadian on an adventure! Could be shippy or not, I am happy either way.
- Campaign posters! I assume Gallifrey is too advanced to have real campaign posters, but let us pretend. I'm thinking specifically of the race between Romana, Darkel, and Matthias, but if you have a different preference, that's fine.
- Gallifrey circa 1940s film noire. :D
- Narvin/Leela! Undercover.
- You know that bit in 3.1 Fractures, where K9 and Pandora's guards are storming Romana's secret HQ in the Vaults, and Romana wants Leela to take her hand, and Leela thinks it is because Romana thinks she is blind and helpless and needs guiding, and Romana insists she needs Leela to protect her, that she can't survive in the Outlands without her? "Now will you please take my hand, Leela?...Thank you." When I first heard it, I cursed my utter lack of artistic talent. I would love to see this drawn, Romana holding out her hand and Leela taking it.
- Andred/Leela/Rodan. Maybe just holding hands (I like handholding), or A Day in the Lives (they come back home to each other?), or an explanation for why Rodan's never been mentioned in Gallifrey? I'm trying to be more specific, but really, just a picture of the three of them.