Jul 22, 2005 19:40
So...I have just realized how true the song "I go back" is. For those of you that don't know this song, its a song about songs. It talks about how you can hear a song on the radio or whatnot, and it will take you right back to a moment in time when the song played, it will take you to a memory with a person, or it will make you think of something in particular and you all of a sudden "go back". So..I decided to listen to music all day today, no matter what I was doing, and I found that with every song that came on, I was thinking of someone, remembering a moment etc.
One song took me right back to skating parties in elementary school. I could just see the lights dim, hear the dj say "this skate is for couples holding hands or those that are skating backwards" and I could even see the disco ball rotating and picture the skating rink and exactly what it would like at this very moment. I can remember getting butterflies skating out to my "moonlight" partner or even just the butterflies I would get hoping someone particular would come and ask me to skate. I mean...lets be real. Holding hands was HUGE at that age. I even remember skating really fast just to crash into the sidewall that is right by the exit by the snack bar. I remember it all...just from one song.
Another song played and I was right at State competition for drill team. I can feel the adrenaline pumping in the "arena" and can hear the crowd screaming "bring on the scotette pee-wees!" I hear the capatains call, can see myself in line and am marching right out onto the field. My gosh...I even remember the "officer routine" that I had to do at the end of the routine while the rest of the team marches off, leaving the "top five" on the floor to show off their stuff.
And then there's Cotten Eyed Joe, and I am in Robertson's dance studio practicing in the god awful heat, with the fans blasting on high as we practice and practice to take our amazing tap dance to competition to win! I can hear the taps, I can do the dance, and I can see everyone that performed and the exact formation that we are in. I can see it all.
Kenny Chesney comes on and sings of Suntanned toes ticklin' the sand, and I am in Seaside Heights, New Jersey for my annual two week family vacation. I see the house, know it is two blocks away from the beach, can smell the ocean, picture the lifeguard house at the end of the street and can even taste Maruca's pizza. I can see the crowds of people swarming the boardwalk...every walk of life, every shape, age, color and style, and I suddenly am reminded why it is that I loved that place so much. I have memories of "floating away to sea" and having the lifeguards come rescue me, memories of when I was really young and my mom and dad each holding a hand and teaching me how to "jump the waves", and I can see me and my brother learning to wave surf from the finest wave surfer himself....my daddy! I can picture all the people that we met down there each year (just from all going at the same time every year) and have fond memories with each one of them too...from the Rampullas to the Fawnstocks, and even the Canadians...
Get Low blares and I am in Kristy's house, or maybe even the numerous clubs doing the "Jill Moore get low routine" and watchign Kristy do the "Kristy-go-round". I can taste the Midori that is inevitably accompaning me (because this is the Jill Moore drink) and I am reminded of how much I love my friends because I can be totally off the wall, do crazy dances, make a full of myself, and they love me still. It takes me to some Clifton party for someone's birthday where Kristy, Suzanne and I danced on the bar and I can even see the guys that were standing at the balcony look over. I remember conversations I had that night on the couch upstairs by the pool table, and the feelings I had when I saw the person I had hoped would be there.
Don Henley's "Taking you Home" comes on and I am in Applebees with Craig Bishop. Dinner had finished and Craig starts to actually sing the song. I'm not sure why I remember this,..but I do. I even remembering listening to the words and thinking, "this is a song I need to download" and coming home and doing just that.
"Anything But Mine" comes on and I am saddened cuz I can only hear it playing on Ben's stinking voice mail. The line achingly repeats itself in my head, "and in the morning I'm leaving, making my way back to Cleveland". I can remember everyone in his house while he empties the fish tank, and packs up the last bit of things, remember the delivery guy that came and delivered pizza for his mom's birthday while some of us packed up the U-Haul, can feel the hug that was the mark of "goodbye" and can even feel the tears in my throat that I tried Oh so hard to swallow back that night. One song simply reminds me and assures me that "goodbyes" suck. They aren't easy and never will be. But it also assures me that distance doesn't break a friendship.
Huey Lewis comes on and I am on a cruise ship in the middle of nowhere, on my way to St. Martin, surrounded by nothing but amazingly clear and beautifully blue water. Its the one song that the cruise ship played entirely too often (along with Titanic)...but I find myself right there. I'm either running up and down stairs and riding elevators trying to figure out how to get where I need to be, I'm sitting at some fancy shmancy dinner listening to Ben say, "Just try it, please", or I am standing outside with only a moonlight to light the area, wind blowing my hair crazily, and gazing out over the side at blue.
The list could continue, and day in and day out I find that another song comes on and I am taken to someone or sometime, and I can picture it exactly. I might not always get all the details right all of the time...but it surely makes me remember what my mind wants to remember.