It's nice having a doctor at your disposal...

May 20, 2006 15:55, not for DRUGS. Although, I WISH Neil would do that for me. Haha.

Recently I developed a skin condition around my mouth. It definitely wasn't herpes either. Thanksfully it's not THAT noticable. However, it is painful.

Saving me the hassle, stres, and cost of a doctor's visit...Neil used his medical training and is pretty confident of what the skin condition is and what it was caused by.

Without going into a lot of boring details...I wanted to warn everyone...if you're not eating healthy do yourself a favor and take a multi-vitamin, mineral supplement.

Yes...I know, I know...the best thing to do is just EAT HEALTHY.

But as many of you know, I have remnants of struggles with eating disorders...hard to explain, but suffice to eating ANYTHING is a good thing.

At any rate...this skin condition was caused by a nutritional deficiency.

So yes, if you eat unhealthy...all that stuff you learned in school really CAN happen.

The treatment for my skin condition is to treat the cause--which is the vitamin deficiency. Neil said it will be about 2-3 weeks before the vitamin levels are back to a healthy level in my system. But it's been about a week or so...and I'm already noticing less pain (YES, it is a painful condition.)

So everyone...lesson of the day...if you don't eat right...take a supplement.
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