I heart boobies and tofu.

Oct 10, 2005 16:20

Please note, I heart those things separately, not combined...I'm weird, not fucked up.

First, since so many of you are vegan, vegetarian, or try to eat healthy...I just had a new yummy tofu product. It's made by a company called Pete's...and what I like about this is flavored tofu product is it is so ready to eat, like if you're really lazy like me, it is already sliced and ready to eat and everything. All you do is dip it in the provided sauce. The variety I got was Sesame Ginger. It was the yum. It's also suggested you add it to salads. Mmmm. And if you live near a Von's (So. Cal) or Safeway it is on sale for 2/$5.00 an awesome price. I ate half a package and it was fairly filling so that was hella easy, hella cheap, hella tasty meal-snack.

Also, some of you already know this...but I have a little random project going on MySpace. I am posting anonymous cleavage pictures and it can be totally anonymous, or you can provide IM or e-mail for people to send comments to. C'mon...you know you wanna join the fun. And since I felt (only slightly) guilty for being sexist and pervy, I posted a picture of my chest to make you all feel better. If you're interested you can take a look at my MySpace (you don't have to be a member, but you should be) at http://www.myspace.com/morenowagainFTW

...and if you're interested in joining the fun, e-mail me at BrokenGlass137@yahoo.com

And finally, who would have thought I'd found a good music reccomendation in Maxim magazine of all places. I was bored at the airport, and reading that infamous mag that's both repellant and engrossing at the same time, and it suggested Hush. He's a Lebanese (and American) rapper that sounds a lot like Eminem--only with a lot less controversy, and more guitar riffs. In fact, he IS Eminem's protegee and Em continues to do interesting production work...so if you dig Em, give him a try.
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