May 23, 2005 20:18
saving my lips now for peach popsicles and cigarettes. not my choice, necessarily. not conciously, anyway... I'm not sure.
so you take a few weeks of numbness, followed by rampant scholastic and theatrical obligations, two midnight shows and a constant state of being either drunk or hungover all weekend and voila: lundi... and me too exhausted to be able to think about any of it. muchless to describe it. how is my head? so full it's silent and my analysis can't wiggle its way in. after this week of more tests and presentations and ol' reliable sleep-deprivation, I plan to either have an epiphany or a life-ending heart attack this weekend at sasquatch. since I am such a fortunate individual, it'll likely be both. I've done some silly things lately, like leaving hearts made of scraps of red electric tape outside of bedrooms (well, just the one) and others even more imbecilic like being unsatisfied with the status quo and chugging right along. I am sick of glamorizing the idea of being your own best secret. I am sick of hearing words I understand all day and not getting any meaning out of most of them. I am likewise tired of saying them. I am likewise just tired.
fortunately, there exist New CDs. the thievery corporation, in particular. and fortunately, although not necesarily most effective, a general state of apathy makes dealing with pesky little academia significantly less stressful.
now onto real things. like vowel nasalisation and the pink panther.