Update on baby

May 11, 2005 02:15

Chestnut had a vet appointment on Wednesday... that I will never forget. We're back to Dr. Handel now. He's a little rougher with Chestnut than Dr. Carr was. Anyway, he did not have a dental this time, but we will next time. He has one tooth that is long and crooked. Instead of going straight up, it's actually coming in towards the center of his mouth, so we'll have that fixed next time. Well, when we got home, Chestnut started gagging/coughing and it scared the Hell out of me. So after he calmed down a little, I called the vet and he wanted to check Chestnut out. So I had to go back to Gaithersburg. Chestnut was breathing fine, so I knew we weren't in immediate danger. (Rabbits can't vomit, so hairballs/choking can be fatal.) We got to the office, and he coughed a little more. Dr. Handel came out of surgery to check on him, he said there's really nothing he can do that will help, he'll just have to get through it on his own. He thinks that during the examination he may have dislodged some food and it may have "gone down the wrong pipe". But everytime he ate something, he'd start hacking. The reason Dr. Handel wanted to check him was because he might go into respiratory distress. So, I stayed there with him until about 2:00 to make sure nothing happened. He was fine. I completely missed class and was beyond tired. In the end, my baby's fine. He is, however, developing sore hocks (sores on his hind feet). If we don't take care of it, it could develop into a bone disease. But we caught this real early, so I just have to put Liquid-BandAid on the wound and get him a new cage. So, yeah, we have a new cage (the old wire bottom cage is the culprit for the sore hocks) with a solid plastic bottom:) So that's the latest development in the Chestnut saga...
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