Feb 22, 2009 04:03
I feel kinda shitty, Nikki did a great job tidying the house today but I copped out in hopes that more sleep would get rid of this cold I can feel coming on. Even 5 extra hours couldn't do the job though, now I have a nice warm cup of black tea (my tried a true saviour from sore throats).
I penciled out the outline for my 3 by 3 board, but I fucked up the arm pretty bad, so now I have 1 of 2 options, erase and smudge the fuck outta the board to redo it bigger and such or just paint and make the corrections as I go (makes me nervous because I understand how working into something too much can take away from the piece overall).
I'm super excited about seeing Watchmen with Nikki, Brian and Mark, I can think of anybody else I'd rather see it with than with these awesome guys :)
And ack, I hate waking up so late because I feel so lonely ;_____; even Racer fics can't help me now!
ps: Might be changing over my LJ layout soonish ;)