Dec 26, 2019 16:52
I"m feeling traped in a loop. i'm feeling so alone and unwanted for me. To find someone that i connect with that wants more then jsut my body I know I need to leave the house. but going out feels...I don't know, like to much work, useless.....I really did think that when I came back I would feel better. I thought the alone feeling woudl go away. I thought I woudl want to leave the house, get dressed, meet new people. but it all just seem like a waist of time. I know i should feel like i have something to offer to the world, to people. However I really don't. I feel like a waist of space. Like I'm not worth anything other then what's between my legs. to fix that i know i need to walk away from those people. and that is why I hermit......