Title: A Short History of Chemistry
calmdownpickle and
raeletRating: PG, warning for death and some...kinda torture? Momentarily causing a baby pain in order to protect it down the line.
Characters/Pairings: Adrian Harris, Jackson Whittemore, Kate Argent; gen
Wordcount: 2816
Summary: Alan Deaton isn't the only protector of a werewolf family in Beacon Hills. Adrian Harris guarded the Millers until the expecting couple was murdered and he was left with a freshly orphaned child.
Spoilers: Set pre-series, continues to post-Season 2 finale. Spoilers ahoy!
Author notes: Written long enough ago for half of the reasons this was even written to be kiboshed, thanks to Jeff Davis revealing a few things. Namely, born werewolves don't automatically have blue eyes. Argh. Anyway, this was written for the Teen Wolf fanfiction contest last year.
A Short History of Chemistry )