Happy birthday, Supernatural! Seven years ago today the David Nutter-directed pilot aired to be instantly embraced by its viewers. Countless scares and spooks, heartbreak and the occasional flop later, the show's theme of family continues to resonate. 149 episodes in, next month kicks off the eighth season; the head of the CW network wants to sign it on for two more seasons. Supernatural's still known as "The Little Show That Could" and I believe it truly can keep going.
Many of the friends I've made over the last two years are now as near and dear to me as family. I want to travel the world and meet all of them. These people have been there for me during some of the lowest points of my life, and we met only because of a mutual love for this show. I really don't know where I'd be without them.
So here's to seven years!
Bonus awesome article from the Supernatural Wiki looking back over the years: