Mar 04, 2007 22:42
It's official. I called it this morning. I'm sick. I passed the point of no return and now all I can hope for is a quick recovery.....BUT....get this. I'm stupid. And this is why I need someone (ahem) to come take care of me....
So I went to food lion after work bc I felt like shit of course, and strangely made it through work and got decent tips without even smiling or talking really lol. Maybe they saw my pukeface and felt bad for me...but lion...I buy like a bunch of oranges, and immunity defense orange juice, and pomegranate juice, and zicam shit.....WELL....I get home and devour an orange, bc you usually have to take medicine with food in your stomach...and I drink a bunch of orange juice...and THEN I read the directions on the zicam box "Do not eat or drink 15 minutes after use. Do not eat or drink CITRUS FRUITS OR JUICES for the minutes before or after use....
I'm the smart panda apparently. All this after I already cried due to frustration over peeling an orange....sigh. I HATE BEING SICK.
Somehow through all this misery, I've remained quite the 14 year old boy. Go fucking figure.
would you beat my..?
would you read my..?
would you..?
me, my yoke and i
gonna make us choke
sexy....without a doubt. Without a
So I haven't really talked to my <3 recently. I guess the fading begins. It's nobody's fault in particular, I guess just bound to happen. Sigh. I don't love any less...but I know you won't let me love you the way I want to...
It hurts.
and Tom Petty doesn't help at all. lol. Tom Petty was the reason for the first time we ever broke up. I bet you didn't know that lol.
I guess it's time for the lword....and my zicam, bc I waited a half hour....after all that citrus shit.
I ain't no rebel. Shiiiiit. I'm completely by the books. no effing joke.