There's a struggle here that's caused arguments with no answers. "Yet," Ravin keeps yelling, "yet."
Quite honestly we see all three things entangled in this struggle and that makes dealing with what's happened/happening really difficult. Harder though is keeping the details in our minds, many here walk off into our own lives/spaces in the consciousness where 'that' is gone, with a false sense of security taking it's place. For those of us that have more knowledge and history of the body it becomes a task of puzzling out where the struggle intersects with Reenactment, Programing/Scripted or Learned/Inbred and trying to hold them in the present long enough to plan what to do next. Admittedly it is like standing on edge of sheer ice with the taste of panic in our mouth all the time knowing we have to walk out.
Elgan/He has brought Christmas to it's climax, the grief and horror is still wet paint on our hands. We stood against his enactment of things long absent from the outside life, many against the few, compassion and solidarity failed. He stood behind Evin and orchestrated the swift demise of Avi by the hand of his brother. It was like a fog settled over our minds and limbs, castigating each of us for our inability to act. His incriminations and blame falling solely on the smallest. Once again he piled responsibility on the back of RennyAnn. Our internal scape doesn't work exactly like outside, when He turned away Evin following, simply right out of our reach. The shock wave of Evin following Him tore at all of us but RennyAnn let out a cry that broke my heart. Hank scooped her up as she tried to run after her brother. He held her as she fought to be let go. Then she just stopped, looked up at him and calmly said, "why, why did they make me live?"
Of course none of us has an answer to such a question. We've no answers to any of this, really. Some of us who studied in the field can give the analytic reasoning, but it pales in the face of what happens and the effects that ensue. Hank carried RennyAnn into the house to her room. We talked to her, each telling her how this was not her fault, but she could not hear the logic. Hank has stayed with her and Kimmie climbed onto her bed to sit mutely by her sister.
Ravin paged Dr.L, who called back in a timely fashion. Ravin ranted about what happened and finished with, "standing together against Elgan/Him did nothing but give him an audience for his sick shit."
Dr. L suggested contacting Pinsu for help, commenting his hand in controlling MarthaJane. This only set Ravin into another rant, but she quickly reined herself back and requested the doctor speak to RennyAnn, which she did. It is not my place to discuss that conversation.
Much debate has resulted. There is little doubt that a new approach has to be found. Also that we are pinned to the wall with the use of dissociation to cope. This entry will stand open as a touch stone.