Thursday Interview -- Missing :-(

Oct 22, 2009 21:19

I am sad to say that for the second week in a row we've had a bit of a delay getting our Thursday interview handed in on time. Never fear though -- there are a ton of you in the community, so there are plenty of interviews to be had!

Way back the first week when I posted the interview questions, I asked anyone who wasn't eligible to win a prize to post their answers. Now as we near the end of the community, I would like to invite everyone to post their answers to the interview questions in comments. Some of you have been getting to know one another in comments, so I'd like to have one more way of facilitating this.

For reference, here are the five interview questions!

1. What was your first video game system and game?
2. What do you think defines you as a gamer?
3. What was the video game and system that really defined how you play games today?
4. Who is your favorite video game character and why?
5. Describe your dream entertainment center. What type of TV and chairs would it have? What video game systems? Be creative!
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