Feb 01, 2005 02:21
It’s funny that I wrote a whole big rant about things that pissed me off about the Catholic church last week (obviously didn’t post it), and last night I went to church for the first time in 8 months and had a completely different perspective, aided by a little bit of reading. I was ranting mainly about the exclusivity of Catholicism, which relates to a few different issues I have with the church i.e. salvation, homosexuality (more of some Catholics’ warped and uninformed view of the church’s stance and applying church teaching in a way that’s convenient), more stuff… That still bothers me, but it makes sense that some sort of structured religious path in life is needed… So for now I think I’ll go to church again. I can go to church and have faith and still have opinions of my own and disagree with some things, right? Makes me think of that pamphlet experience that Nick wrote about in his journal and how ridiculous it is. I find truth in Catholicism and in other religions too. I don’t think that there is any one that is absolutely perfect for me. I don’t think there is any one that is absolutely perfect at all. How could our understanding of God be perfect? It can’t. It seems so nonsensical to me: Catholicism says that you can’t understand God to that degree, so how can it at the same time hold that salvation can only be reached through one understanding? Am I missing something? So at least about 77% of the people alive right now have NO SHOT at heaven (if it exists (which I think it does in some capacity)) no matter how good of people they are? Hopefully I’m missing something… honestly. I’m still glad I went to church. Haha thanks for saving my soul. Sorry this journal isn’t very informative, just me thinking and sometimes ranting. That double parentheses I used reminds me of Mr. Schacht.