(no subject)

May 02, 2011 21:24

Woah! I've really dropped the ball on posting....

Title: Time passes like a kidney stone.
Word Count: 310.
Rating: Gen
Prompt: Bored.
Notes: S1 setting.
Disclaimer: Not mine.

No one mentioned in the drama-vids how boring insurgency was. Gan watched Vila pour himself another glass of adrenaline and soma while he waited for Gan to finish contemplating his move. His drinking was increasing faster now than it did when they were nearly getting exploded by Servalan. Vila was clearly getting desperate for something to do if he was inviting Gan to play chess.

It would be another three Terran weeks before they hit planetfall and sanity was dwindling within the crew. Gan sighed once again and moved a pawn at random. He supposed the fact he'd resorted to playing chess showed he was going a bit queer, Avon was now only grudgingly talking to the human crew-members, preferring to converse with the thing he was building in one corner of the flight deck. Cally had decided that the corridors were 'a bit dull' and was painting murals inspired by traditional Auronar folk tales. It turned out that Cally's people were quite keen on big pointy weapons. It explained quite a lot.

They'd given up on the Galactic Monopoly tournament last week. Gan had to admit that he wasn't very good at remembering which properties were his (much to Jenna's irritation) and Vila couldn't seem to stop himself from cheating, despite all Blake's lectures. He and Avon had momentarily worked together with rare good humour much to Blake's delight. Then he'd realised it was because they were trying to crack the banking system. That had been when things had got exciting briefly before the Galactic Monopoly set mysteriously caught fire. The way things were going they wouldn't have enough sanity between 'em to throw a birthday party, let alone bring down the Federation. Gan sighed and realised that Vila had taken advantage of his distraction and rearranged the board again.

It was going to be a long three weeks.

blakes 7 fic

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