Title: Retribution.
Fandom: Hetalia.
Genre: Drama/Historical.
Pairing(s): Alfred/Arthur.
Rating/Warnings: Teen for minor language.
Wordcount: 170.
Summary: Another word-doodle. Arthur in WW2. Written solely for the line 'You are right off my Christmas card list!'
Arthur was beyond pain, almost so far gone that anger was becoming a distant memory as he stared down at the smoking remnants of his beloved London. Coventry's devastation was a never healing throb down his arm. 'Ludwig, you bastard Kraut. You are right off my Christmas card list.'
He turned and limped away from the window and took his seat beside Winston Churchill, their faces wearing matching expressions of stoic belligerence. 'Am I to assume that your talks with the American government have bourne no fruit? Alfred and his people are stubborn as asses when they wish to be.'
Churchill nodded. 'They continue to maintain a position of neutrality. They are still willing to finance and trade with us, but will not ally themselves alongside us.'
Arthur's rage slipped away. 'Then so be it.' He grinned, the movement reopening a split in his lip. 'We will fight them on the beaches, we will fight them on the landing grounds... but we shall never surrender.'