The Becks pt 4

Jun 17, 2014 14:28

So the day after Amanda arrived was Spooky Day, and when I'm not playing for a story, I don't usually pay attention to the holidays. She's a bunny. I don't know why she doesn't have ears.

She asked Carson to take her Trick-or-Treating, and while he seemed thoroughly confused by it, he agreed to go anyway.

They went down the street to this guy's house, who I think is actually not a paramedic? But I couldn't figure out a way to get adults to wear costumes.

After she got her candy, they walked next door to this big fancy house.

This kid used to be a paper boy... or maybe that's his costume. This is so confusing! The girl in the hot dog suit though, she cracked me up.

While they were out, Janel had trick or treaters of her own, and appropriately enough, conjured some candy out of nowhere to give them.


The twins are obsessed with them, so I took them away. There's only so much you can do with them, and they move on their own, so locking them in a closet didn't really work. Ugh.

I had to sell the dryer. Hey, times are tough, and it kept needing to be repaired. So now, we dry our clothes in the rain -- and it works.

This is a picture of Candace (I think) learning to walk. The background is unimportant, I thought it was possible to build a functional greenhouse, but it's not exactly.

And of course, for about a week, this grey eye-sore of a room is where they chose to do EVERYTHING. Amanda and Carson are best of buddies, she's a bit of a nerd like himself, and he initiates all sorts of actions with her.

He taught her to do homework, and read her the handiness book of all things as a bedtime story. She seems to like it though?

Amanda definitely favors Candace of her sisters, and actually sometimes I wonder where Bailey is exactly. My bad, Bailey.

Janel is usually reading a book and sunbathing, which is cute and all, but doesn't help at all with the raising of children or housework or, you know, her day care buisness..

HEY THERE'S BAILEY! And Candace stealing the show with her toddler sparkles...

Crap, no, that's Bailey. They aren't even identical and I can't tell them apart. :x

But they ARE twins, which means if one spins, the other is not far behind... so THIS *is* definitely Candace. (She has green eyes, why can't I remember that?) that's not gonna do. She's gonna excuse herself to the mirror and fix this mess.

Having three children in the house is WAY WAY better than having twin toddlers in the house. They made it to school the morning after their birthday, and then it became a snow storm from hell.

Amanda and Candace do ballet after school, and she likes to show off her pile skills.... as often as possible.

Candace autonomously paints, to the point that she doesn't do anything else.

Bailey doesn't do anything, other than befriend ghosts and ignore her sisters. She's an odd one.

It took me about three days to realize two of them have the same hairstyle, oh well, it suits girls their age and is way better than the bowl cut Candace grew into.


She actually turned out really pretty on her own, once the awkwardness unglitched.

Bailey is Bailey, and always doing something...interesting.

Amanda threw a party and one of Janel's former daycare kids, Everado came and they hit it off instantly.

They are adorable together and I hope they are going to stay inseparable. *fingers crossed*

Look at this faceeeee.... She's totally precious and I'm so glad she's the kid that showed up in the back of the SoWo's car.

She asked Everado on a date "downtown" and he showed up with his little brother Kevin in tow. Umm... okay.

She didn't seem to mind the toddler tagging along, and they hung out for hours.

She sprung her first kiss on him, and luckily he accepted, or this could have been super awkward.

She asked him to come back to her house, in hopes he'd bring the starving Kevin along and someone could feed the baby while they finished their date...but no, he came alone... oookay.

So, I kinda suck at taking pictures of things, because my play time is 85% greening sims, 10% making sure they get to work/school/whatever on time, and the last 5% I spend taking pictures that look exactly the same as something I took the week before. Four days really did pass between the date and this surprise birthday.... I swear.

Bailey is super awkward and uses every opportunity to showcase that fact. I can't help but feel it's my fault for forgetting she exists most days.

So while I'm caught up in feeling like a failure of a simmer, I forget to pause and Almost miss Candace's birthday. :/

She turned out really well, considering she could have had Bailey's super special facial genetics...

I had Amanda throw another party and invite all the teens she knew to come.. Of course she's stalking Everado, Cristobel is reading in the chair, and Candace has set her sights on Michael Han. Remember him? I think. He's apparently a fan of bots, and yeah. Nuff said.

Whenever Candace meets someone new, they always say something about Bailey, and she makes this face.

I can see why they are curious about her though, she's socially awkward in more ways than one. I don't even think there was music playing at this point.

I let these two do whatever they were gonna do, and this hug was totally unexpected (by me, at least). DAwwww....

So was this!

A couple days later, it was time for Carson to become an Elder... he apparently was an Adult, rather than a YA in CAS. Oops.

His party would be one of the worst days in the history of the Beck family's life.

There is no pleading with Grim, by the way, and I was not aware of this. I'm so upset.

Michael spent the entire night reading at Janel's grave and at this moment, I decided he was going to be the spouse of the next generation. <3 him.

Bailey tutors Reinaldo (human form) and everyone tries to move on as much as possible.

Before he leaves, she springs a heat of the moment kiss at him....

It doesn't go well and I'm not sure I understand HOW he thinks he can do better. Whatever.


beck, rlc

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