"Why else would you marry penguins?" "Because I firmly believed it would be cute."

May 23, 2012 14:00

Posting a photo of a basket of kittens on Monday seems to have been some kind of a magic charm, 'cause my week has been awesome ever since I posted it. Not in a 'winning the lottery' kind of way, but the weather has been nice, my hair has been adorable, buses have been on time, work is manageable, good bandom and tennis stuff is going on... Just a nice couple of days.

So then I thought to myself, "Self, what if you posted a photo like that every day." But that would be kinda spammy and then I wouldn't do it and it would be hard work etc etc etc. But THEN I thought, what if I did a HUMOUNGOUS spam of darling people with darling animals, and then that could work as a magic charm for my entire friends list!!!!

SO THAT IS WHAT I HAVE DONE! And it really is huge, but I like to think it will have some magical properties. It's multi-fandom, multi-animal, has captions, and is pretty damn adorable, if I do say so myself.

I hope it works to make your day or week better, my loves. ♥

The hobbits love animals. The guns are just for show. They were trying to look butch.
It so didn't work. Bless their hearts (and their very fine hats).

It's against the law to have an animal spam without a photo of Bob Bryar with a dog.

It's well known that the best way to trap a bandom boy is with a widdle puppy. But they also love other animals. Exhibit A: Wentz with a monkey!

Exhibit B: Jon Walker with a koala!

For fucks sake, Frank. I was trying to prove a point.

Awww, I can't stay mad at you and your doggie-kissy face.

Sir Ian being fabulous with a parrot.

Ryan Rossy also gets in on the puppy smooches.

I LOVE THIS PHOTO SOOOOOOO MUCH! During all those times when we worry about Pete, at least we know he's always got Hemmingway. ♥

Here's John Barrowman with his husband on their wedding day, with the rest of the wedding party.

DOCTOR WITH KITTY! Cuddly-wuddly-timey-wimey stuff.

Sir Ian fit in very well down under where we all raise sheep in our spare time.

Roger Flipperer.

Most people don't believe me when I tell them that Roger actually was given a cow.

He named her Juliet and she had little babies and they live at his house in Switzerland. It's good that he has dairy farming to fall back on if that tennis thing doesn't work out for him.

Or he could take up falconry.

David Hewlett loves his dog, Mars, so much that he wrote a movie just so they could star in it together.

Here's John Sheppard with a horse. You're welcome.

Speaking of horses, Viggo fell so in love with his during LoTR that he took her with him when he left NZ. ♥

bb Elijah with a monkey!

Ianto Jones could even charm a pterodactyl. I miss him and Myfanwy. Damn you, Rusty!

Ah, Jon Walker and a kitty-cat is just the kind of soothing I need.

Hi Dief and Fraser! You're both looking very smart.

Ray with a baby alligator. As you do.

Mikeyway :| Doggy :|

BunnyWay gets smooches though.

And Gerard will also :D when possible. HE LIKES TO EMOTE YOU GUYS.

Even snakes make him happy!

The boys attempting to look cool with Ray's dog Bauer. Remember when Ray called him his son in the liner notes for 'The Black Parade' and fandom freaked out? That's where Frank must have gotten the idea for ninja-baby!

Oh, BunnyWay. Just remember that them dressing you up in outfits is just to express how much they love you.


It's okay. He's vegetarian. No animals were harmed in the making of this picspam.

Even Gabe Saporta looks sweet and innocent with a puppy. (Don't be fooled though.)

Ah, Matt Cortez. I do miss your techy hotness. But I like that I can creepily watch your twitter interactions with Bob.

Hey look, that monkey has a Pete Wentz on its ass!

More Hemmy love!

Quinn gets in some huggle time.

Never. Not. Funny.

Um, I think this is a bandom boy? Let's take a stab and assume its one of the many Alex's. LOOK AT THE KITTY!

Another Alex? Who knows. KITTY!

Also an unknown. Maybe the same pretty boy as above? Whatevs. DOGGY!

Jepha co-ordinating his ensemble with a goat. I love The Used. Wierdos.

Hi Pepper!

Gerard with the rental chimp he got his wife for her birthday. While wearing his squid jacket. ♥


Seriously, Bunny. 'Cause they love you!

Jepha and Zelda got their own spam, but I just had to include this photo.

And this one as well. It's tiring work out there, touring and being adorable! Naptimes on the bus are very important.

More monkey business.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan and darling friend.

That koala sure gets around.

Bunnie isn't the only Way pet that has to put up with costuming. (That is a pretty sweet outfit though!)

Rafa being super excited to swim with his dolphin friend.

More nap time.

Spencer Smith, you charmer.

Brendon Urie also gets in some quality cuddle time.

Um, who is this? The dog seems to know him though. :D

For some reason I don't have my MANY 'Rafa with penguins' photos in my animal tag folder, but luckily Fernando can represent for the tennis & penguin fans. Thanks, Nando!

Quinn and Kanga.

Gael making an ass of himself. (Sorry.)

To make up for that really bad joke, here, HAVE MY DARLING FELICIANO WITH A LION CUB!


Daveeeeeeed also gets in some extra cute cub times.

For OTP sake, let's assume this is the same bird that Roger was holding up there.

I really tried not to let Frank and his menagerie dominate this entire picspam. But he just has so




Here's Orlando taking a nap with his dog, Sidi, during a film shoot. The glamorous life of an actor, ya'all.

Roger chooses kangas over koalas.

But only 'cause all the bandom boys were hogging them.

Hi Joe! Smoooooooshes.

Quinn and doggie being windswept and interesting.

SRSLY. SO. MANY. DOGS. (Great preparation for carrying around fat babies though, right Iero?)

John Oliver asking the important questions.

BUNNY, THEY REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE YOU OKAY?! Fine. You win. Go scratch up some of their shit.

Here's pocket idol with his pocket puppy!

I don't have a still of Anderson Cooper when he chaired the puppy debate on the Daily Show, but this is pretty much just as cute, right?

Look guys, I have tried really hard not to have a crush on Prince Harry, but I am helpless in the face of this kind of adorable.

I never even tried not to have a crush on Andy Dwyer. This and his adoption of Champion just pushed it over into true love territory.

And we will end, as all things should, with Frank Iero holding hands/flippers with a sea lion. :D

mikeyway is everyone's kid brother, elijah wood, parks and recreation, all the puppies belong to frank, fall out boy, viggo, jon stewart, frank is widdle and hardcore, feli lopez is sex, david ten-inch, lyn-z is the fucking bass player, patty cakes stump, quinnery, roger federer has perfect hair, john sheppard has hair, the motherfucking used, john barrowman's really gay, pretty boys, kitty!, bob motherfucking bryar, wentzface, sir ian, lotr, rafael nadal has arms, oh canada!, pretty girls, gareth david-lloyd has three first names, puppies, those panicky kids, tennis is love, ray toro man with the plan, don't be mean to bandom, gerard isso perfect, billy boyd, rodney mckay has a big brain, random cuteness, picspams, dom monaghan, jepha and zelda, bert is the tiniest and darlingest

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