1. Please use the recc'ing form below to rec fics, this is the only way a rec will be accepted.
2. No bashing of fics, members, authors, artists etc.
3. No spam comments.
4. Maintainers and Mods are the only people allowed to post.
5. Any problems with your fandom? Contact the Mod in charge.
6. General problems? Contact a Maintainer
Rules are subject to change at the Maintainers discretion.
Posting form:
Length: (word count)
Main Character(s)/Pairing(s):
Why you should read it:
Link: Must be a url not a link.
Title: Author: Rating: Warnings: Length: Genre: Main Character(s)/Pairing(s): Summary: Why you should read it: Link: Must be a url not a
- All links will be accepted: livejournal, fanfiction.net, AO3, off-lj archives etc.
- Any links to comms or personal journals must be public.
- Members should check that the links they rec still work.
- WIPs are not allowed.
- RPF is not allowed.
- Fics must not contain any sex, smut, porn scenes.
- Fics can allude/mention sex but there cannot be explicit description of it.
- Fics can include: romance, friendship, action, adventure, character death, incest, AU, crossovers, humour, fluff, angst, dark themes, graphic violence, flangst, horror etc.
- Fics can include: het, slash, femmeslash, threesomes etc.
- The 'why you should read it part' shouldn't be really long, just a few lines about why you enjoyed the fic.
- If you are unsure whether the fic you are recc'ing fits these guidelines, ask the mod of your fandom.
- Nobody's perfect, so if you do find a recced fic that contains sex, please contact the mod of the fandom, so that we can take it down.