Gen Recs
Title: The Helmsman
imadra_blueRating: G
Warnings: None
Length: ~ 2,726 words
Genre: Gen
Main Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sulu, General Ensemble
Summary: Moments of Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, helmsman of the USS Enterprise
Why you should read it: “After a few months at Starfleet Academy, Hikaru Sulu often forgets his given name. Even in his own mind, he refers to himself as "Sulu." It is not until after he is assigned to his five year mission as helmsman of the USS Enterprise that he reflects this is a bit odd. After all, he grew up to his parents' affectionate "Hika-chan," and his childhood friends called him 'Karu. Everyone in Starfleet, however, calls him Sulu. He quickly realizes that they are the people who shape his life now, his conceptions, even his identity.“
The HelmsmanRecommended by:
ecto-gammat Title: How to Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in Leadership
sparky77Rating: R (Language)
Warnings: None
Length: 2,933 words
Genre: Gen
Main Character(s)/Pairing(s): General Ensemble
Summary: None provided
Why you should read it: "People generally don’t kick their puppies when they’re bad. They say ‘No! Bad Puppy!’ or honestly I don’t know what the fuck they do to discipline puppies, I’ve never had a damn dog, and can we please stop referring to a person as a puppy, it’s creeping me out.”
How to Avoid Kicking Puppies and Other Valuable Lessons in LeadershipRecommended by:
ecto-gammat Slash Recs
Het Recs
All recs are listed in alphabetical order by title.