merryviggorli fic
Title: Little Things
Rating: PG
Summary: relationships take effort
Warnings: some angst
Disclaimer: some of this did happen, some of this didn’t
arieltachna and
silvan_lady, who looked the beginning over first and gave precious advice. thank you both very much!
take_this_waltz, who requested:
Genre: angst (with a happy ending or with "perspective" at the end), I love angst. Angst is my favourite. But I also like romance. *nods* I don't like crack and I definitely prefer non-AU to AU.
Scenario: 1. Viggo and Orlando meet again, some years after their relationship has "ended" (or they have "ended" it) at a movie premiere party or at Cannes / 2. Viggo invites Orlando to his house in LA/Idaho/Denmark/New Zealand/place of choice completely out of the blue - at least that is what it seems to be like for Orlando.
But it seems those little things were enough to chip away from the beautiful relationship until it just… wore down.