another update

May 16, 2011 09:53

I got the whoooole weeeeek oooofff last week. Dr. F was in OK at a reunion and since the patients prefer to see him than the PA, there wasn't much going on and Louise was okay with running things on her own, though I told her I would drop everything and help out if she needed it at all. She didn't. And it was not my weekend to work at the nursing home either, woohoo! So it was basically a very quiet week. I did a bit of writing and got my mojo back, I went to writing group (omgwtfbbq), I celebrated my sister's birthday, I hung out with my brother, basically did all sorts of things that were very nice.

I have been becoming more and more isolated, it's hard to step out and do things with others if I don't have to and I know that I can change that as soon as I start getting out again. I just get, well, it's not lazy but it's a bit of it. It's also that I just enjoy my own company best and I have so many cool things at home that I would rather do.

I see that today I am a Protector. My personality tends to flip flop a bit but I was just curous as to what it would be at the moment.

Well, today I think I will do my best to get Cara's present to her. I got her yarn and she has MY yarn that I want to make into this and I want to do it quickly. So we'll see if I manage it today.
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