(no subject)

Mar 23, 2011 23:53

I headed into work today to find out that all we had on the schedule was an appointment at 4. I was there at 2 and I asked Dr. F if he really wanted to pay me for 4 hours when we only had 1 patient coming in. He let me go in consideration of the budget (Louise was still there, though, so it wasn't like he was without assistance) and I headed home. But as I was telling mom, I realized that I had the perfect opportunity to catch up on the rest of the stamps for Yarn Hop! So I grabbed my wallet, got some gas and headed off to Salt Lake City.

I spent far too much money but I had fun getting stamps from Unravelled Sheep, Unwind, The Wool Cabin, Blazing Needles, and Three Wishes. And since I was already so close, I went back to Kamille's. Mom is having far too much fun knitting her Christmas stocking and wanted more green yarn so she could make another so I fulfilled her wish, also stopping by Sweet Afton's for some more Dutch licorice for her. Oh, and I did get her some Size #10 DPNs since she was worried about all the puckering that the stocking is doing right now due to the color work on the size #9s. I reassured her that it would block out but it doesn't hurt for her to have some anyways.

And then I just zoned out at home, sort of half-heartedly knitting on my Sock Madness Nornir sock. The Three Wishes owner said she'd met a few people actually doing it other than me, which excited me and now makes me want to meet up with these people. I met up with shedubb yesterday and her sock looks great! Not to mention, she fit in with the rest of us at Borders, a total NERD (love me some nerds), sweet and funny.

I have said it often before, I'll say it yet again, the people here in Utah ROCK. I haven't been so social in my entire LIFE! And I have so many friends now than I ever had in Kansas. Yes, I miss Kansas, I miss the green and the miles and miles of forests and farmscapes but the people here are way more awesome. I don't know why, they just are.

Now for bed since I promised to be at work at 8:30 tomorrow! :B
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