More 雨鎛 Yubo

Mar 07, 2010 20:33

That's Yubo's douban photo and the only picture I can find of him.   Information about him is scarce.  His myspace says he's from Beijing.   He's released a trilogy of 3-track EPs called 雨鎛词簿.  Chapter 1 was released January 1st 2010.  Chapter 2 was released February 1st and Chapter 3 on March 1st.   So far they've only been released digitally.

Yubo wrote the lyrics and music for each song.  The credits show he collaborated with some talented people to record them - people who've worked with Xie Tian Xiao, Xu Wei, Zhang Chu, Wang Fei, Wang Feng, 13 Month Records, etc. in various capacities.

I already uploaded my favorite Yubo song in the last post.  Here's another sample song from Chapter 2.

划过天空的翅膀 Wings That Streaked Across the Sky

I've uploaded Chapters 1-3 together in one file.

雨鎛词簿 第一章, 第二章, 第三章 Yubo's Word Book, Chapters 1-3*

At Yubo's douban page he describes his 风格 style as  性感的尾巴 sexy tail.  LOL. (That tidbit is for you thirddyfrk :P)
Lyrics are included with each song or you can get them here.

*I'm not sure how to translate 词簿 in this case.  Book of Words? Poem Book? Book of Works?  词 can also refer to "poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words, originating in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and fully developed in the Song Dynasty (960-1279)" - nciku  The following poem about the different stages of life is posted with the album in several places; but I have no idea if it's an example of that type of poem.  I assume it's by Yubo.

我们的出生都是自愿的 除了这样我还能怎么说 一切在开始就已注定了 我们永远都没权利选择
我们的童年都是快乐的 因为我们是花园的花朵 只知道要用力的生长着 从不知将来会被人剪落
我们的小学生是懂事的 老师说要什么就给什么 总有谁默默被谁欺负着 总以为抱抱就是永远了
我们的中学生是自由的 大人的规定已不算什么 燃起的香烟在心中烧着 禁忌的刺激新鲜的自我
我们的大学生是高贵的 漂亮的女生飘进小轿车 既能进宾馆亦可在宿舍 博学的男生拨去马赛克
我们的科学家是珍贵的 所以要关在笼子里养着 智慧在他们眼中飞舞着 他们在智慧眼中已死了
我们的工作都是安全的 同样的动作每天重复着 生命对于大多数人来说 十年和十天都是一样的
我们的生活都是丰富的 无数的陷阱在身边绕着 如果你不想被奸人所骗 就要比奸诈的人还阴险
我们的爱情都是纯洁的 有人便朦上眼睛和耳朵 誓言的真相又是怎样呢 一个骗子遇见一个傻瓜
我们的婚姻都是幸福的 毕竟好多事早已练习过 即使一生一世一起生活 有些秘密你还是不会说
我们的儿子都是聪明的 暴力的天性自我催化着 眼前的战争不停上演着 角落的孩子用心体会着
我们的女儿都是美丽的 可红颜美人多什么来着 她还会变成白雪公主吗 当世界开始赞赏洛丽塔
我们的中年都是强壮的 所有的辛苦一个人扛着 老人与孩子都要照顾着 家花和野花都要陪养着
我们的晚年都是慈祥的 浑浊的双眼隐藏着失落 劳作的田野终于成金色 却只能望着别人去收割
我们的最后是最清醒的 只是再没人愿听你多说 当那些事情已来不及做 又后悔自己当年想太多
我们的离去是最隆重的 可时间列车依然飞驰着 我们终会被世界遗忘的 就像是我们从不曾来过
呜呼呜呼             为什么为什么为什么   呜呼呜呼             问什么问什么问什么

rock, beijing

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