Life Journey was the main attraction at the opening of Mao Live House Shanghai last week. I read they played "a tight set". I haven't had a chance to look for video of their performance, but you can check out Sonnet, who opened for them, playing YMCA
here. It'll give you an idea of how big the new space is. Eventually, a cd store will be there too. That's the plan anyway.
This week Life Journey was back in Beijing to play the opening day of the Modern Sky Music Festival. Let me briefly mention that three of the unsigned indie artists I posted about here are making their festival debuts on the myspace stage -
杨千墀 Yáng Qiān Chí,
丁可 Dīng Kě, and
The Mailman (Yes, The Mailmen have broken up so it's just one Mailman now.)
Also, it looks like something's going on the with the foreign bands who were to play the festival. First I heard they canceled and the playing times would all be adjusted. Then I heard that the government wasn't allowing any foreign bands to play. I don't know.
But anyway, back to Life Journey. They started off their performance at the Modern Sky Festival with FOUR NEW SONGS! Embedding didn't work so here are the links:
Part 1Playlist for Part 1
Our memory is free(new) The lyrics crack me up. "I'm not a good boy. Let me hold your hand."
Liverpool(new) Pretty catchy. Starts about 4 minutes in.
行人要走斑马线(new) Love this one! Starts around 8:30.
Dog dog dogs
Part 2Part 3Playlist for Parts 2 & 3
Take me away
oh my story
You are pretty good looking(翻唱)