The last Starfighter LJ request meme was up in
2009--before Praxis, Deimos, Keeler and Encke showed up. Time for more fic! Check out the previous meme to see how it works; the rules here are the same.
Please read the rules before diving in.
For the anon having trouble seeing new comments: If anyone has trouble with seeing new comments or anything, email me at asocialconstruct at gmail, with a screencap of what you're seeing if possible. Comments are headed towards three pages at this point, so try adding "?page=2" or 3 to the end of the url if the buttons aren't working for some reason.
- Anonymously post a pairing or character plus a kink or prompt rating.
ONE REQUEST PER COMMENT. G to NC17 requests and fics are fine, kink or gen. AU and crossovers are great too. (Teafighters, anyone?)
NOTHING based on the smutty extras in the printed version of the comic, please! Hamlet would like to keep the printed extras as an incentive for people to buy the books, so requests for fic or art based on them will be DELETED.
Requests based on the extras or roughs section of the website or based on other fanart are fine (encouraged, in fact!).
Be clear in your request and ask for what you want. It's anonymous so that you can ask for whatever crazy kink your perverted little heart desires. Don't be disappointed if you ask for "anything" and just get gen!
- Anon will fill your request with either fic or art.
Reply with fulfilments to the ORIGINAL REQUEST. Please fulfill requests with NEW fic or art; no linking or reposting of previously posted work.
If you make a request, try to fill one. If the meme gets top heavy with requests and few fulfilments, requests will be closed. Give and take please!
No claiming. Multiple fulfillments of the same request are fine, just remember to reply to the original request if you add another fulfillment.
Requests or fics which involve underage sex will be DELETED. If a request or fic clearly identifies anyone in a sex act as under the age of 17 (the age of consent for where the LJ servers are situated) it will be deleted. Pre-series requests and fics are fine, but keep everyone legal!
- Keep the comments clear and stay on topic.
Say thank you or post a review, then move on to keep the comments fic/art focused. Reviews are nice, but responses which attack the OP, a fic/art fulfilment, or flame a pairing/situation will be DELETED.
Have fun and be nice! Keep your request clear and specific, ask for clarification if you need it, and enjoy!