What's a 20in20?

May 13, 2010 16:48

What is more20in20?

The basic idea of a 20in20 community is that you create 20 icons in 20 days. The first community of this type was celeb20in20 and you can find a 20in20 challenge for pretty much every tv show/movie/band/etc. Here at more20in20, the theme is obviously Paramore. It will change if you guys get sick of it.

How can I participate?

You sign up.

On the ~20th of every month, a sign-up post will go up. If you think you can complete 20 icons within 20 days, you can sign up, no matter how "good" your icons are. Of course you should at least know how to make a simple icon because otherwise, what's the point? But you don't have to have years of experience in order to participate.

Anyway, on the last day of the month, the themes and table codes will be posted and you can start making your icons. When you're done, you post them at your journal/graphics community and make a post with three teaser icons here that will link to your post.

On the 20th of the month, the challenge will close. During the following days, the voting posts will be made, and we'll announce the winners. Then you'll get a fancy banner, and the the new round begins.

Who wins/gets a banner?

- Best icon for each theme
- Top set of category icons
- Top set of artist's choice icons
- Top 5 category icons
- Top 5 artist's choice icons
- Mod's choice for each one.

General Rules & Information

+ Please only sign up when you think you have the time to complete your icons. If something comes up, you don't need to let us know and you will still be allowed to sign up for the next round. But the less drop-outs, the more fun it'll be! :)

+ All icons must be new and specifically made for this challenge.

+ All icons must fit the LJ standard: 100x100 pixels, a maximum size of 40kb and saved as a .png, .jpg or .gif.

+ All icons should be PG-13.

+ Post only 3 teaser icons when you make your post to this community. Everything else should either be behind an LJ-cut or link. Your posts must be public. This is important because we need to be able to see your icons to post voting.

+ Tag your entries with the following tags: user: (your username), round #(number of round)

+ Please try to comment on the other participants' posts. You love getting feedback for your icons, right? Well, others do too.

Sample Themes & Categories

10 of your 20 icons will have 10 different themes. Possible themes include required pictures, required textures, lyrics, icon techniques (like Negative Space, Black & White, etc). If you ever need to see an example icon, just ask.

The next 5 icons will fit into a specific category. Possible categories can be icon techniques (Black & White, Negative Space, a specific crop, etc) or we could ask you to make 5 icons of your favourite band member or... well, there are countless options.

Stolen from toho20in20 ;D
Chrissy was way too lazy to type all this shet out.

what's a 20in20?

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