How to kill a computer

Sep 17, 2007 14:14

Ok, granted I have had my computer for about 8 years or more by now so maybe it isn;t so surprising BUT I finally got around to upgrading from windows 98 because so much software is no longer supporting 98 I felt forced to do it.
Sit down at the computer, pop in the Cd, reboot. the menu comes up ok and I have one of those moments.
I press help to guide me through it cause their is apparently a slightly different setup method to installing Xp than 98.
Or maybe I should have wiped the computer first and then tried to install the new O/s.
At any rate, the computer froze, it wouldn't reboot and wouldn;t quit the help menu.
Hit the power switch.
I've done it a million times when the computer freezes.
I think the thought of upgrading to XP fried the poor lil buggers electronic mind for I fear I have finally driven my poor computer to the grave.
It refused to turn on when I push the power button.
After all the virii me and my roomamte have subjected it too...the traveling we have done together and the poor lil bugger seems to have kicked the bucket and gone to silicon heaven.
(Are they still made of silicon or have we advanced tyo another material by now?)
To all my IRC friends spread the word that unless it revives itself I can;t afford another computer for probably a few months and I'll most likely see ya'll next year.
as for this journal, well, I only live down the road from the library so we'll see.
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