oh my stars and garters....

Mar 02, 2009 02:16

For those of you who are fans but don't know, Dead like Me has recieved a sort of second life.
There is a new DVD movie called Life After Death. which sort of picks up in sort of real time for the characters.
5 years for us and five years for the characters.
Now before you stop reading I wont be writing any spoilers here, or even behind a cut..maybe in a future post.
The only thing I will say is that all descriptions of the movie are merely just the beginning.
95 % of my fears in seeing this movie were cleared up.
I reccomend this for any fan of the series. I couldn't be happier if they had just made a Legion movie.
(and if you know me , you'd know that had to be pretty damn good to surpass my comic geekdom, cause normally my priorities are like "the only thing better than comics is sex and the only thing better than sex are comics"...in that order :P)

This movie definitely had "it". This series always had something indefinable for me, something I couldn't express that made me love the series. I never could explain it.
This movie had that fine whispy bit. It threaded in and out in parts of the story but it was there.
I don't know if this was a pilot type of thing thrown at the masses to gauge a reaction on whether it would be feasible or wanted to bring back the series or if it was a one shot for the fans. For closure so to speak.
Either way it was  AWESOME. the most enjoyable hour and a half I've spent in months. Better than Iron man, better even than Heroes.
Closing remarks before I fall too far into the abyss of geekdom....

The girl who played Reggie has become gorgeous, much too young for me in any stretch of the imagination so I wasn't even going "there". I just think she's become really pretty.

All the characters are pretty much in character, except George is a little more responisble and she isn't bucking fate so much, but she's still George :P

Come the last 5-10 minutes of the movie I'm thinking wow, this has been great, I'm glad they did this last bit to bring a lot of this into closure for the series....and then the last little bit of the movie and it's BAM!
right between the eyes and I'm like OMG! They better make more!
I mean dammit!

My only Real critique was that they didn't use the series theme song, but the rest of the music was perfect :D

Not that anyone who was involved with the movie will read this but thank you all from the bottom of my geeky lil heart.

dead like me

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