30/3/04 - Shout it out

Mar 30, 2004 13:08

Happy. Actually happy. You crazy ass, you. XD Seriously, though. Accepting the ephemeral, the dynamic, that what you have is what you got and not what you will. This acceptance, this knowledge, this KNOWING and ACCEPTING is where it's at. XD! Colloqualisms suck ass XD. Eh-heh. Anyway. ;p This infections joy, vocal happiness, bouncing life, this is teh awesome. Free from the bitterness, free from the anxiety, free from the fear - this is the goal. Do this, Dim. You'll be happy. Satisfy the serious and the not, and give the not the room it deserves. The room it SHOULD have. If you take everything so seriously, bad shit will be trippin, yo. It's one of those inevitabilities. And you aint got the supernatural shit to back it all up, so that's the way we're going. Hell, we enjoy it, anyway. Les do this. ^^-

See you on the flip.
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