*Sigh of Relief*

Mar 18, 2009 16:41

Just got back from turning in my World Lit final. . .So glad I'm done with it.

Now I've only got two finals left, and they're both tomorrow. I'm not too worried about my English and Scottish dance one but I'm slightly dreading my Film one (I dislike writing essays. . .).

One two entirely different notes:

The weather today has been glorious, and tomorrow looks just as good.

Finished watching True Blood yesterday (I decided to give it another chance). . .cannot wait for season 2.  And then I went and read the only bit of Charlaine Harris fiction I own (A short story that's in an anthology I own). . .and I actually understood it, instead of being confused. . .though I did basically spoil myself for what's to happen later (the short story is happens between two of the later books in the series).

tv, weather, college

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