Nov 13, 2011 23:17
Well, it seems this will now be my OOC WoW journal. ISN'T THAT SPESHUL?!
So, last night I convince two of my RL friends to group up with me on my warrior. (Yay for RiD groups, cause they're on two different servers!)
Well, there's the gal whose only toon at that level is a mage "Cause I freaking hate playing mages, is why."
Then there's the gal who taught me how to heal in WoW...playing a resto druid. "Because I've never healed druid."
Aaaannnd there's me. A warrior tank. AND A TOTAL N00B.
We were skyping so I could get some pointers on how to tank from them. It was...amusing.
Them: You are the tank.
Me: oh...
Me: Oh, hey, look they dropped little bombs.
Friend A: Ooo, yeah, stand on them! It's a buff!
Me: Really?
Them: /facepalm
Me: Wut?
We did two runs. Man....none of us could BREATHE at the end of it...we were laughing so hard!
On the other hand? Now I get it. Oh, tanks. I'm SO sorry! The hunters that pull. The locks that use tanking pets. THE INCESSANT WHINING of "too fast too slow all tanks suck you should just leave we can do it without you" etc. Wowza. And I thought healing was a big ol'kick me sign.
And as a final note - I asked RealID earlier. But I wanna know what everyone thinks:
Since I made the decision to retire Rain as an RP character, I've found myself actually able to play her again. The depressing vibe I got even just thinking of logging into her is gone. But since I've sent most of my active RP to allyside and she's my only feels kinda pointless to be leveling her professions. (Not that it's stopping me. I'm finding actually just *playing* the game to be so much fun...and considering I started out RPing I had never realized that before.) ANYWAY. What I'm saying is that I'm considering either race or faction transferring her. But I wanted to hear other people's opinions. (I'm on the fence because while it seems worthwhile for the professions side of things, I'm shelving her. Not killing her off. I may want to play her again as an RP toon someday.)
TL;DR - Should I faction or race change Rain? What is your opinion, and why?AN