Sat weigh-in

Mar 08, 2008 08:06

First off the stats:
Since last week I have lost another 5.5 lbs of scale weight and a whole inch off my belly measurements. For those you too lazy to scroll down that is 15 lbs from the scale and 2.5 inches off my gut in 3 weeks. Praise GOD - only 1 more week to go. I pretty sure in addition to waterboarding and choking positions, that the Velocity Diet should be added to the things some folks want banned at Gitmo.
OK it looks like about 8-10 inches of snow, so I will get a minor workout shoveling off the driveway. Then its off to the gym to get in my walk / tanning. I will shower there and then hit First Watch on my way home for my healthy solid meal. Also going to stop at the grocery store (yipes!) cause I think the natural peanut butter I have could be bad so I am going to get a new jar. Once I get home its laundry and book packing for everyone.
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