Germs and FoL Make Me Sick

Oct 29, 2010 22:55

So. This week's been all sorts of FUBAR for me. Let's play the highlight reel, folks.

Sunday was the last day of the sale and I probably took more than my fair share of breaks, more out of boredom than anything. Immediately after I get home, I start getting sick. TIMING!

Monday I'm full-blown, crazy sick. Like sick so bad that I can't eat and everything makes me want to die. Nevertheless, I have a book to read for class, which I valiantly go to my room to read so I have it out of the way. Ha, ha. Yeah right. I manage to get through maybe two paragraphs before I conk out for the rest of the morning. When I wake up, the good news is that I feel slightly more alive than I did. The bad news is I still feel like shit. The rest of the afternoon is spent watching TV with my mom.

Tuesday I feel slightly better, if not for the fact that I didn't sleep the night before. Waffles for breakfast and then I get the book read. The bad part? Not a good book. I toss and turn that night, with visions of horrible self-published media dancing in my head. I break out my go-to feel-better movie, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, in a fit of pique.

Wednesday I decide on a new solution to my sleepless nights: Mucinex. My stopped-up nose is the cause of my woes, so let's fix that. The fun part is when I try to take it, my throat closes up and I gag. So the ginger tea I was taking it with goes everywhere. My mom decides that I am a pussy, though slightly more eloquently. I switch movies to pop in The Mummy, but thanks to the new pal I literally choked down, I don't even make it past the attack on the boat before I'm out cold.

Thursday goes by without a hitch, except that I lose my voice halfway through the day and don't quite find it again. Hooray!

Friday... I would rather forget. It's my mom's birthday, and my dad got her a cool necklace; this is pretty much the best thing that happens all day. I go through another gagging incident with the Mucinex, this time with my grandmother in the house. Also, my brother gets laid off from work. And then I make the stupidest decisions known to man when I both pass up lunch with my brother on my mom, and on making myself a sammich. No, I decide that mom would probably be displeased (because I'm still sick, and completely lost my voice) if I just eat a sammich, so I head for the instant Chow Mein bowl in the pantry. I then proceed to forget to put the water in it and stick it in the microwave, and then leave it. Luckily I noticed before anything caught on fire, but the damage was done. Now the house smells like burnt plastic and smoke, and also I'm pretty sure that the smoke didn't help my nose or throat with the healing thing. Soooo I more or less ruined my mother's birthday. With chow mein. Crappy instant chow mein, at that. Which I still feel like a shitheel about.

But you know, my grandmother gave me some good advice before she left town today. Yeah, stuff happens. And yeah, it sucks. But there's no point dwelling on it, because we can't change it. Tomorrow's going to be another day, with all new problems, and we just have to take a deep breath and let go of the problems from today, and enjoy the fact that we're here another day to endure these problems.

Though I'm still forfeiting this week to the Karma Fairies. Whoever I wronged so hard in this life or the last to have gone through this, I am truly and undeniably sorry for what I did.

the week in review, jayde has a sad, social

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