Fish Biscuits!

May 24, 2010 18:31

The final episode of LOST aired last night, and an era ended. I don't think that any show will ever be able to accomplish what it did, and I'd like to thank ABC for taking the bold step of paying for all of its seasons to start, rather than paying season by season. A lot more people would be dissatisfied, I think, if it had gone the route of Carnivale and every series that poor Joss Whedon has started since Buffy. Then again, there are people that are still dissatisfied with how LOST ended. I'd like to put in my two cents, which will be as unspoiler-y for "The End" and the rest of this season as I can manage.

The core questions I had, aided by additional information brought up by Entertainment Weekly and TV Guide, were answered. No, the little detail questions weren't answered, but honestly I think it's nice that those questions are left up to the viewer. The point of the series was to make viewers think - about books and films and art and philosophy, and about science and faith. And that was accomplished. And the series was about the characters, not about a plot that the writers railroad the characters through.

As for the results of the season's two overarching storylines, I think they were handled well, and things happened the way they should have. Yes, I was upset that my all-time favorite died several episodes before, but that was not enough to stop me from enjoying what happened and the things that were revealed. It was a satisfying ending. And for those of your internet dwellers that think that this was the worst series ending to have ever series ended, then you didn't see the end of The Sopranos. You did not hear your relatives (or join your relatives) in shrieking impotently at the television screen, to bear a grudge against the last scene for years to come.

I will provide a teensy word of warning, though: keep a tissue box handy. In the course of two-and-a-half hours, I probably cried eight times. Yes - Jayde, the girl that watches Feast and Hellraiser while eating lunch, burst into tears multiple times. But then again, can you blame me? After all, I have seen these characters several weeks every year for six years now. They have become family to me, more than some of my blood relatives.

So, farewell, LOST. Goodbye Locke, Hurley, Sayid, Miles, Frank, Ben, Rose, Bernard, Jin, Sun, Richard, Desmond, and Vincent The Yellow Doomrador. Goodbye Claire and Charlie. Goodbye Jacob and The Man in Black. Kate, I still hate your love quadrangle with Jack, Sawyer, and Juliet. In fact Kate, I just kind of hate you in general.
But I'll still miss each and every one of you.

goodbye lost, geekery, television

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